I bought a couple of new books that captivate me. One that came in is the Dan Eldon book, filled with copies from his journal pages. The other is the Humament by Tom Phillips. It's a huge book of almost 400 pages of altered work. He bought the book, "A Human Document" and even the title became the altered "A Humament - A Treated Victorian Novel". Each of the pages is a piece of art, with only selected words showing through. It's complicated art, as much like architecture as painting. The selected words can be nonsensical, the meaning known perhaps only to the artist, or they take on a new meaning unto themselves, sometimes even erotic.

I made a fruitless trip on a school bus yesterday with a load of senior citizens so I could go to Walmart for the first time in several months. I shopped til I was ready to drop for an hour and a half, went through the checkout line, and the clerk announced that I owed $101 plus change. Only then did I realize I had neither my check card nor a check with me. I had decided against taking my handbag in favor of a small change purse, and had also neglected to put my ATM card back in my change purse the day before. One less change in my normal routine would have insured I could make my purchase, but, seems the gods conspired to keep me from spending $l00.

I was struck by how much younger I felt (and looked) than those I was with. While I have some gray in my hair, there isn't enough to be considered gray haired. But there is enough gray that I need to continue touching it up occasionally. Every other head head on that bus was full of totally white hair...most with a little blue tint. Most had canes, a couple had wheel chairs, a couple had walkers. I felt fairly out of place, though according to my age I was definitely in the right group. That's the first time I've felt the difference quite so much.


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