Okay, this is a art involved. Although I completed 5 small mixed-media paintings this weekend. I was pushed into it because of Christmas and the need to have a few things to give those I love. I was quite pleased them them on the whole. It's been a very long time since I painted and when I did I was only into oils and watercolor, never acryllics. I believe, however, that I'm getting the hang of acryllics and the one really great thing it has going for it is the fact that it dries and is done so quickly. That can also be a draw back, I suppose, if you're accustomed to pushing paint around for days. Hmmm. But because of my watercolor experience, I am a quite fast and prolific painter normally.

I'll have to figure out how to upload scans of my artwork before I can get this rolling the way I envision it.


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